Search Results
Implementing CQRS with Akka. Michał Tomański. ScalaUA2017
How to use CQRS in Akka 2.6
Scala Meetup 20150414 - Event Sourcing and CQRS with Akka
Martin Krasser: Event Sourcing and CQRS with Akka Persistence and Eventuate
Event Sourcing and CQRS on Akka - Daniel Klein and Idan Nahum (Hebrew)
Event Sourcing in less than 20 minutes - With Akka and Java 8 - Kiki Carter - JOTB17
Worldwide Scalable and Resilient Messaging Services by CQRS and Event Sourcing using Akka, Kaya Stre
Akka Persistence | Event Sourcing : Part-2
KSUG Meetup: "Express yourself with a finite-state machine" by Michał Tomański
David Russell - A Literally-Hands-On Introduction to Distributed Systems with Akka Cluster
Noam Almog - Integration testing of REST services using Akka Http. ScalaUA2018
Stream All the Things! - Dean Wampler